Friday, 22 October 2010

The death of an idea

It is an accepted thing to refer to someone as an "ideas person". I was pondering this concept the other day, trying to establish whether it is actually a compliment or not. I reached the conclusion that it is only really a positive asset if people mean that you come up with and execute great ideas, execution being the key bit as an idea is only really truly great if it results in a successful outcome.

Why do ideas fail to become reality?

1) Lack of support from those whose help is needed to execute
2) Lack of commitment from the idea originator and/or team
3) The obstacles are allowed to become bigger than the idea
4) They weren't truly great in the first place - not enough point to motivate people to execute
5) Lack of understanding of either the objective or the route towards it

I'm sure there are many more but these are the ones that annoy me most...

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